Monday, December 19, 2005

Blogging a Doorway To Customer Development and Feedback

Today I had the opportunity of reading a blog called Big Bears BackBone Media, that dealt with the interactive nature of using a blog form customer feedback groups in the form of customer communities. Hey! It would work great with individualist that march to their own drum beat. The thing here is that through the creating of blogging communities in a formal head on interactive content or in indirect feedback groups you are able to create direct feedbaack content from your customer base, the idea has very strong merit.

This proactive creation of feed back chanels isn't about marketing this is about listening and building viable trust bridges between customers and potential customers. Take a look see. I feel it is worth the effort of a click.

Need other information on Customer loyalty, customer experience managing, customer development etc please go to "The Customer Development Center"

If you have a comment please leave it behind for others to read and share.

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