I have been all over the net today looking to see what the general everyday writer is saying in regards to customer service. It's amazing what I have found and scary at the same time. Businesses should be out there every day listening to what's being said and the general unhappiness of the general public.
I took a sample of two hundred from a general search and this is what I found. There were almost as many disinformation pieces by companies as there were complaints. The number of good service comments was one third as many as those had complained about customer service or should I say the lack thereof. 80% of the complaints were about large companies while the others were more general in nature. 5% of the complaints were about small companies. Nearly 58% of the complaints were about online businesses and IT (technology based) businesses. While 22% were about customer services connected to the Telco industry.
Now this is by know way a representative sample although it was a random sampling, nor were the numbers extrapolated in a clear fashion. Just straight old here it is observation. However it is a good indicator that some industries need to be worried about their clients. Someday there will be a consumer uprising that will hit these people in the pocket book by those they take for granted.
Customers drive the competitive market place. Owners, directors and managers better start listening more attentively to what is being said by the customer. Then apply the magic of Customer Experience Management to shore up the gates and start increasing their customer retention and sales conversion rates. Dell just recently got taken down a few notches because of their arrogance with their customers, so who's next.
For more Information on Customer Experience Management we recommend theCustomer Development Center.
And as always we invite all comments and feedback.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
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You know, this is such an old story and so widely a problem, I don't understand the need for any kind of research. Randomly stop in any store and try to get information about a product, or online - it makes no difference. Information in universally unknown to the customer service and sales reps, correction when mistakes are made are almost non-existent or require making a jackass of yourself to get the problem solved.
Here's the the result - and I am not alone:
There are dozens of places I no longer shop. I haven't been to Macy's in five years because until I stopped, every time I entered the store, raucous music, so loud that I couldn't have a conversation with a companion or sales clerk, blasted throughout the store. For most of my life, Macys was my standard go-to place for household basics. No more.
There is a small online bookshop I favored over Amazon. They screwed up two orders in a row and took days to answer my email. I'm back at Amazon where no order has ever screwed up.
There are 10 or 12 - think of it, TEN OR TWELVE - online clothing stores I've never gone back to either because they couldn't or wouldn't answer email questions or messed up the delivery. Every one of them had a chance to make a loyal customer of me and they lost me the first time out with bad customer service.
A few days ago, trying to contact Verizon, I was forced first to sit through two minutes - an eternity on the telephone - about what circumstances I would need to call another number. Then, at last, the one sentence information I needed, to know which button to push.
Then I was subjected to - count them - nine questions about who I am. Other businesses manage to figure out I'm the right person with one question, two at the most.
Then, after ten minutes of conversation, I agreed to purchase the new service and couldn't. The rep's computer was down and - AFTER ALREADY WASTING 20 MINUTES - was required to call another number. IT WAS BUSY.
Here is the bottom line: I consume less and less as time goes by. My rule is now - you mess up once, I never go back.
Most important to the retail world, for every item I think I want, I now ask myself, Do I really need this? and if so, where can I find the product that is likely to cause me the least pain in getting it. About half the time, I realize I don't really need the product.
And when I do need to telephone a company's customer service line, it is always with a chip on my shoulder waiting for the stupidity it will entail from the the first moment:
1. Announcements that go on literally for minutes about recording me, privacy, and sales (hullo - it's a customer service line, not a sales line. Make the distinction and offer two numbers.
2. Dozens of questions about who I am when one or two would do.
3. Reps who can barely speak English or whose accents are so thick or who speak so fast, I can't understand a word.
4. Uninformed reps - they don't have the answer or are "not authorized".
5. Defensive reps who, when I ask for a supervisor, tell me it won't help or that none is available.
6. The blowback - telling me I must solve the company's error by having to make additional phone calls.
Bottom line - corporations have turned me off to all interaction. I will do anything these, including living without things I want, to avoid dealing with any of them.
It's not like customer service is hard to figure out. It's not about executives not understanding technology. They hire people for that part. All that has to be done is set a company policy that customers get what they pay for without hassle. I don't understand the problem.
Hey! your right, and if companies don't start listening there will be wide customer boycots because of their arrogance. (mostly large)
Business is business but there is a dumb way to do it and a smart way. Listening to cstomer and creating conducive customer environments certainly is a samrt approach.
2006-02-20 13:13:39
Makeev (@ Alextime)
->М.Ходорковский и П.Лебедев получили по 9 лет тюрьмы
Автор: Makeev (@ Alextime) (http://toshka33.narod.ru/alextime/texts/5000_bax.htm) | Написано: 20 февраля 2006 года
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(c) http://toshka33.narod.ru/alextime/texts/5000_bax.htm
Makeev (@ Alextime)
Все совпадения с реально существующими людьми - не случайны.
5000$ or prisn
"5000$". Написал карандашем на бумажке следователь. И задумчиво стал обводить цифры. Плотников посмотрел на меня. Я посмотрел в окно.
- Ты когда мне компьютер отдаш? - спросил я у Плотникова.
- О. - с деланной эмоцией отозвался Плотников, - компьютер сейчас в УБЭП на экспертизе. Подожди. -
- Ну вот, сегодня ты хоть что-то отвечал, а то, что это - на прошлом допросе: "не знаю, не помню". Подписывать будешь?
Я пробежал протокол. Да, в принципе все правильно. Да, акции покупал. Да, с такого-то по такое-то. Да, место расположения. Нет, налог не платил; по действующей налоговой льготе - статья такая-то, пункт такой-то.
- Хорошо, вот пропуск, можешь идти.
В банке.
- Они большую работу проделали. Нужно заплатить, - сказал Влад.
Я пожал плечами.
- Тем хуже для них. - Я усмехнулся, - обыски где живу, где прописан.
- Да, и нам они запрос на изъятие договоров сделали.
- Ну, если им заняться больше нечем, пусть копаются. -
- Никогда не платил бандитам и рекетирам. -
- Лучше в тюрьму сяду.
- Я слышал там не хорошо...
- И сколько?
- Говорят, тридцатка грина.
У тебя устаревшая информация, подумал я, мне уже пятерку предлагают.
- Ты не мог бы мне сейчас сделать распечатку налоговой льготы?
- Хорошо.
Он вышел. А через некоторое время вернулся с пачкой листов.
- Конкретно по теме я там подчеркнул.
- Хорошо, спасибо.
- Скворцов сказал, что бы я прекращал с тобой общаться... слишком много времени...
- Ок.
У следователя.
- Вот, смотри, - я достал листы, - во вменяемый мне период по сделкам на данной территории действовала налоговая льгота полностью освобождающая от налогов.
Я показал пальцем на статью.
Плотников брезгливо посмотрел на листы.
- Возможно, во время совершения сделок ты не знал о льготе. В этом случае присутствует состав преступления.
Да ты псих, подумал я.
Протокола уже не состовлялось.
На десятый или одинадцатый вызов я спросил - в чем смысл моих вызовов, если даже не состовляется протокол. "Ну так ты же ничего не говоришь", ответил мне Плотников.
--->That is «Uniastrum bank»
->М.Ходорковский и П.Лебедев получили по 9 лет тюрьмы
...Сам М. Ходорковский, комментируя приговор, назвал его памятником "басманному правосудию".
copys: http://www.australia.ru/perl-au/forum/sfor.cgi?arx=&nm=1&un=1241&uname=Makeev&pass=12345&trn=&act=vop&nd=3736 ;
Hellow for everyone!
I'm still alive! the congratulation for me..
->true story
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